Contact Info
Alturas, CA
- Phone :
- 530-233-5811
- TTY:
- 530-233-8708
- Elevation:
- 6500 feet
July to OctoberLocation
Medicine Lake HighlandsElevation
6500 feetAdditional Details
Services: The nearest convenience store and gasoline is located in Tionesta, California. The nearest town with services is Tulelake, California. The nearest 24 hour service and hospital are located in the town of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
From the junction of Highway 139, and Co. Rd. 97. Go approx. 18.5 more miles west on Co. Rd. 97 Go approx. 15.5 miles to Forest Service Road 43N42 and turn left. Go approx. 1.8 miles to Forest Service Road 43N17 and go approx. 0.3 miles.