Weather information for the Lake Havasu City area is provided below. Average temperatures, climate details and current forecasts are included!
In Lake Havasu City, the summers are hot, the winters are mild and the air is dry and mostly clear year round. During the year, the temperature typically ranges from 45°F to 110°F and is rarely below 37°F or above 116°F. From mid-May to early October, boating, fishing, watersports, swimming and other warm-weather activities are popular in the area. Hiking, cycling and off-roading are popular from late October until early April.
Average high and low temperatures by month and average precipitation are
set out below:
Month | Avg. High |
Avg. Low |
Avg. Precip. |
January | 64° F | 42° F | 0.8 in |
February | 70° F | 47° F | 0.6 in |
March | 75° F | 52° F | 0.6 in |
April | 83° F | 59° F | 0.2 in |
May | 93° F | 67° F | 0.1 in |
June | 103° F | 76° F | 0.1 in |
July | 107° F | 83° F | 0.3 in |
August | 105° F | 81° F | 0.6 in |
September | 99° F | 75° F | 0.6 in |
October | 88° F | 63° F | 0.5 in |
November | 74° F | 51° F | 0.5 in |
December | 64° F | 43° F | 0.6 in |