Contact Info
70220 E. Hwy. 26
Zigzag, OR 97049
- Phone:
- 503-622-3191
- Length:
- 1.2 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 1/2 to 1 hr
- Season:
- May to early November
This short forested trail can make a loop for mt bikers when combined with the eastern segments of Still Creek Road 2612 and Sherburn Road 2613. The trail travels through a fairly young Lodgepole Pine forest and as it descends it passes between more middle-age stands of Douglas Fir. It is a few miles from Trillium Lake and Still Creek Campgrounds. When starting from the southern end at the junction of the Road 2613, the trail is a descent almost all the way to its end at Road 2612. Steepness varies on this single track route from 6% to 24% and stays at the 24% range for much of the trail. There is one water crossing near the bottom.
Regulations & Leave No Trace Information: Leave No Trace Principles ?? Plan Ahead and Prepare Be Considerate of Other Visitors ?? Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces Leave What You Find ?? Dispose of Waste Properly Minimize Campfire Impacts ?? Respect Wildlife.