Contact Info
Guerneville, CA 95446-9587
- Phone:
- 707-869-2015
- Location:
- 80 miles north of San Francisco along the California coast
- Type:
- State Parks
- Elevation:
- 150 - 1,500 feet above sea level feet
This wilderness area is home to a rich diversity of native animals and plants. The springtime wildflower displays include Douglas iris, Indian paint brush, buttercups, lupines, brodiaes, California poppies, and shooting stars. The grasslands, chaparral, conifer, oak woodland, and riparian habitats of Austin Creek SRA are home to a wild range of native animals including squirrel, deer, raccoon, fox, coyote, skunk, bobcat, and an occasional black bear or mountain lion.
Hours + Fees
Picnic Area(s)
Additional Details:
Back country primitive campsites are located at the Tom King and Manning Flat sites. Each campsite has a table and fire ring. Pit toilets are located nearby. A year-round stream is nearby, but this water supply must be purified before drinking. Use of a micro filter is recommended. The primitive sites are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A back country permit is required and can be obtained at the Armstrong Redwoods park office during business hours.
Ground fires are prohibited during periods of extreme fire danger, although camp stoves can still be used for cooking in all but the most critical periods of fire danger when camping is not permitted at all.
All of Austin Creek''s trails are open to horses although horse trailers are not permitted beyond the picnic area. Check with the park office for up-to-date information about trail conditions. A horse riding and pack station concession providing guided day and overnight trips is located 1/2 mile west of the Armstrong Tree in Armstrong Redwoods State park.
Be advised that vehicle access to the park and campground is by way of a steep, narrow, winding, 2.5-mile-long, mountain road. For safety reasons, no vehicle over 20 feet in length is allowed on this road. Vehicles with trailers or other towed vehicles are also prohibited.